Originally Posted by richard2717
just to expand a little on why I even brought this subject up and not to call anyone out because I understand reasoning behind doing it both ways but I copied part of CG's post from the other thread
On one hand I understand if you put one item per ad and it sells pretty quick it gets dropped from the front page pretty quick and it is easier for the seller to keep track of the order of interest, but if the same person has 20 items separately all the sudden half the page is dedicated to just one person.
On the other hand if you put all 20 items in one ad it keeps The main page neater and makes it so those interested in buying from you all in the same ad and it is relatively easy to update the ads with sold as you go. It also allows other members that don't post as much for sale to have better chance at having their ads noticed as well. what i mean is, a lot of times when I am scrolling thru the buy ads and it is loaded with one seller posting individual ads, another person might be placing an ad that gets put in somewhere along the middle of the 10 or 20 singles ads and I find myself totally overlooking it for some reason until the ads get mixed up a day or two later and by that time quite often it has already been sold. Not whining at all just trying to give a different perspective is all.
Being somewhat down with a double hernia tends to make the mind wander which makes you questions things even if there may actually be nothing wrong with the current way it is being done, hence the reason for the poll. Obviously by discussion so far there seems to be quite differing opinions. If not for the other thread I probably would not have even posted anything but since it happened ....What the heck
I don't know if there is a right or wrong way since both have pros and cons that is why I brought it up for discussion. Sorry for the long post.
This is why I voted yes, I have pissed parts because of it.