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Old 10-16-2018, 12:41 PM   #100
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Re: Starting a 52 Chevy 3100 Project.

Originally Posted by MiraclePieCo View Post
I've heard that before too, but I've run spacers on various vehicles since the 1970s and never had a problem. They still make me concerned. Has anyone had a bearing failure they could prove was attributed to spacers?

Exactly. Everyone has heard. I researched it quite a bit and never found anyone who actually had the issue. Did find a video explaining why it changes the gravity a little but said it was not enough to actually cause any issues. My guess would be guys with big trucks with big heavy tires have problems with spacers and bearings. There are arguments that go both ways. I really didn't want to spend $1000 for some custom A-arms. Maybe down the road if I have issues but I suspect I will not.
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