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Old 10-16-2018, 06:23 PM   #9
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Join Date: Mar 2012
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Re: value of unrestored '58 panel truck

Sounds like a guy could make a fortune buying up AZ trucks and hauling them East.
Generally folks back east don't want to spend the $$. I get a *lot* of grief for paying too much for vehicles with low rust. The general population in this area seems to think a body shop can repair a vehicle and do a full repaint for under $2500. Folks are absolutely floored to learn that $500/quart is not an expensive paint.

But sometimes it works. The trick is not losing your shirt in the transportation costs. Last summer one of the shops near us brought back a pile of trucks from SD and OK. Sold a few outright, then sold others as part of a customization package. And occasionally you'll see ads from someone hoping to make a few bucks doing the same thing. Notice the "other" cab in this ad:
Here it is, next to a 67-72 truck:

Here's one from KS that has reappeared on CL a couple of times during the summer:

Here's a nice one that we hope goes to someone who appreciates it:

Last edited by 1project2many; 10-16-2018 at 06:39 PM.
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