Thread: Cab Lights?
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Old 10-17-2018, 11:31 PM   #11
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Re: Cab Lights?

Personally, I like the look of the raised pad setup with cab lights, but, having said that, my inner geek would only add a raised pad roof on a 69-72 and would use Y77s on a 67-68. Y77s could also be purchased for install by the dealer or as a kit for the owner to install even after 68 - well into the square years, however those would not appear as a U01 on the SPID - only the factory ordered ones would be on the SPID (i.e. 67-68 U01 (Y77) or 69-72 U01 (pads)). I have a set of Y77s socked away somewhere, possibly for use on my 72, but I'm almost certain they had a rubber bottom gasket(??) - I'd have to check to confirm though. Here's a pic of the gaskets I'm pretty sure are on mine also for ref.
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