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Old 10-18-2018, 02:54 PM   #6
LH Lead-Foot
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Omaha, NE.
Posts: 214
Re: Intake manifold recommendations

While reducing weight helps with fuel economy and lowers track ET, I used an aluminum OEM intake for spread bore carb, It's clean and flat, checked with Blue-Point straight edge and have one to part with cheap. I can get photos if needed.
Send me a "PM" if interested, we can use PayPal & you decide on shipping.
I don't know why, but listed on eBay as corvette intake, it's just dual plane and has external ribs, But works fine on SBC's to 400 cu. in. I am a Rochester guy with all of the tools. I understand the Holley thing as you can change the jets or power valve or accelerator pump diaphragm but once set, you usually don't mess with it every day.
The Q-jet gets a bad rap from many, but it is the only true variable venturi carb unless you want to count the Ford 7200 & 7300 VVC. Yes, I fix those as well. Can you saw "Water-Manometer" gauge?
You get performance with the secondaries open only when enough air volume pulls it open against spring tension once adjusted to book specs.
Yes, I have the book also, it's 7" thick. Say, lets set up a 4BBL carb for 1968 Corvette, it tells you the jet size, needle size, all adjustments & specs over OEM 12 pages for just that carb.
But who am I? A an old guy that has 2 large tubes of ACDelco points grease & SnapOn flex points adjustor tool, it's in the drawer with 6 distributor wrench's next to chrome Tach-Dwell meter & King-Pin adjustable reamer tool.
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