Put the new Cold Case radiator in. I've had heating problems with the 4-row brass radiator, even after flushing the snot out of it. I put the thing in and couldn't get the lower trans cooler line fitting installed to save my life. Took it back out and realized that the threads on those internal fittings were scrofulous. Brushed all the crud out, put the thing back in and the fittings threaded right in. Finished up, and went to buy a new burp bottle. Once I get it all sealed up, I'll drive it and make sure there are no leaks. Then...put in new coolant. Replaced the old heater control valve while I was at it. My FiL had installed shutoff valves like you see under the sink in one of the lines.

I removed it for the flushing process, and was happy to see that the heater core didn't leak. I don't think that it is original. At least I hope not.
Next, I'll be rebuilding the alternator. The front bearing is chuckling, and I don't know if it has ever been rebuilt.
ETA- Took the truck to a steep hill and ran it up to 75 MPH. It's only 78º out, but the gauge stayed right at 190º, which is what the thermostat is rated at. Shut it off, let the temp climb while I was in buying Lottery tickets. Fired it up and it dropped right back down to 190º within a block. Problem fixed. Of course, this doesn't prove it will run cooler when towing the trailer in 100º weather. This truck always ran hot even with a new 4-row brass radiator. Anyone want to buy a used 4-row brass radiator cheap?