Info on which V-8 engines to look for or avoid.
New to this part of the forum, but I do have a question for these model years.
On Friday, my 2002 Tahoe was backed into while in line at the gas pumps. My insurance is processing the claim and I am thinking they will total it most likely.
Either way, I am planning on keeping it and probably getting a parts rig and replacing the damaged sheet metal myself as there was no mechanical damage.
So, if I can find a decent condition parts truck, Tahoe or Suburban, what would be the best year/engine combo to try and find? Or more importantly avoid?
My thoughts are to salvage the additional engine and anything else that I can later use in a project, then part out and scrap the left overs.
I honestly do not have any real knowledge about the LS/LT/Vortec engines, which to seek out or avoid and reading various pages and forums, get and ranges of I figured I would post the question directly here, and see what folks have to say.
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