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Old 11-10-2018, 05:37 PM   #1
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Posts: 769
Please critique my brake line plumbing......

Hey guys! Some of you may have seen my 46 build thread over on the pre forum but i figured I would post here for more response. I have had to take my truck back off the road because of brake trouble. I just can't seem to get a good pedal and i am thinking it's how I routed my lines.

First pic shows my prop valve. Can I have it mounted in this position or does this trap air up by the brake light switch?

Second and third pics show how I seperated my rear brake lines and ran them through the frame with thru frame fittings. Can this be done or am I tying to move to much fluid having 2 seperate lines running to the drums? Furthermore, If it is in fact ok to run my lines like this, do I still need the rear rsidual vale since the lines come thru the frame above the wheel cylinders?

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