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Old 11-11-2018, 05:24 PM   #14
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Re: 1957 Chevy truck 3600 4x4 Frame swap (HELP)

Well not much really. Besides the steering and suspension needing to be rebuilt. But that has to be done either way. I can rebuild the axles accordingly. Not sure what’s going on with the shock mount. Originals has been cut off. Not sure how the LS motor mounts will mount up with the 57 frame. It’s an open frame. Will I need to enclose the frame for a stronger mount??
Do I keep the shock mounts that are there now so I can have 6 shocks on the front axle but there is no shock mounts in the rear.

So basically I can either use what I have now and rebuild them or get the FREE 81 Blazer and use the 1/2 ton axles and go from there
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