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Old 05-17-2004, 08:10 PM   #2
drag body or die
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Redneck country
Posts: 79
Its what you should do imo. Airbags are a great way to get exactly what you want. Go with the bigger 2b7 or 2600 bags up front and you will use less air to get to the same height, giving an even better ride. Dont forget a good shock also and you'll be in heaven. You can air up and drive around, lay out when parked, or lay out when you want to drag on some old lady next to you. Just whatever you needs.

With shocks, i havent found a front end setup that doesnt ride good. You'll still need the crossmember notch to be laid but if you dont wanna be laid, then you dont have to do it.
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