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Old 11-14-2018, 04:01 PM   #5
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Re: New rear leaf springs, do these look normal?

sorry, not 4 leaf, 4 link.
you can also drill the axles fairly easily to accept a chevy 5 stud pattern, if thats what you want (mine has the MII front end with chevy pattern so it worked for me). I used the center part of an old rotor, cut out just the flange that bolts up and scrapped the rest, and just marked the chevy pattern on it between the ford pattern, then drilled 1.8" holes there. then you can bolt that up to the ford axle using the ford studs so it is tight and centered, then drill through the pilot holes with a 1/8 bit to mark the axle flange. remove the pattern part and drill the flange for the size required for your new studs. the rotors would also need to be drilled. keep the pattern in the truck in case you need a brake rotor on the road somewhere.
pic shows what I mean better
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