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Old 11-16-2018, 03:48 PM   #2
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Re: Where can I track down these parts?

for the cab mount part I used a formed washer from a vehicle front strut because mine was also missing. just can't remember what type of vehicle. you could easily enough make one if you have a vice or a press. match the diameter of the outside diameter of the circle part with a piece of pipe, match the diameter of the inner depression part with another piece of pipe, cut to the depth of the depression, put some proper thickness sheet in between those parts, center the 2 pieces and then sandwich them in the vice/press. when you squeeze it should make a depression until it bottoms out, then take it apart and flatten the edges, drill a hole and bob's your uncle.
the floor grommet holder would also be a home made part unless you can find somebody who has a scrapper floor or who is going with the firewall mounted pedal system.
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