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Old 11-20-2018, 11:20 AM   #8
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Re: Keeping Pedal pressure with under-cab MC

a factory master cylinder is set up for drum/drum brakes and also is a single system. a single system means there is only one circuit in the brakes and it applies ALL the hydraulic brakes from a single piston in the master cylinder. these master cylinders only have a single brake line coming out of them and will likely have a residual valve built in at the outlet. a dual system has 2 seperate brake systems in a single master cylinder, a front and a rear, so if you happen to blow a brake line or some other issue happens in either the front or rear brake circuit, then you will still have the other circuit to stop the vehicle. manufacturers started installing the dual system brakes waaay back for safety reasons. it would really make sense to install a dual circuit master cylinder in your trucks, one that is sized according to your needs.
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