Originally Posted by special-K
^^^ Very good tip right there! I save 2-3 mpg by staying at 65 in my '95 truck w/OD and maybe 1 mpg doing 55-60 in my '72. I have no problem on interstates staying in the right lane. It's a speed limit, not a speed requirement.
Was that Quadrajet fresh when new engine was installed? Can't beat one in proper working order.
This is kind of interesting. When Im in my other cars or (OT) truck Im in the "fast lane" as soon as I can. When Im in my K20 I stay in the "slow lane". Its more than capable keeping up with the fast cars on the left. Im not even considering gas mileage, I just like driving on the right with my K20. For some reason I never feel rushed when Im driving it =)