Originally Posted by special-K
In the early '70s after the gas crisis you could buy nice comfortable fullsize American cars for a couple hundred dollars. The owners were casting them off to squeeze into Japanese econoboxes that replacement parts cost 4x as much as the American cars. All to save money at the pump and make car payments while we drove cars that cost what one of those payments was, but took more gas to run.
People have told me to just buy a new car to commute in. But with the car payment added to the monthly bill I would probably be in the same boat. One of the reasons I wanted to put the 700r4 in the truck was to bring the RPMs down so I could hear myself think when I’m doing 60 and I wanted to go to some of the truck shows out west without killing my wallet. When I first got the quad jet I drove 100 miles and got 19 mpg and another 100 miles and got 21. Idk how but it just happened and then it slowly dropped the next few trips and has leveled out around 12-14. The carb was off of a shop truck with the sam set up. The block cracked so I bought the intake and quadrajet from him to replace the md 70’s two barrel that was on the truck because it was getting 5 mpg on a good day and I could’ve find information on tunning them. The most I’ve done to try carb is clean it down and plug a few extra vacuum lines. Thanks for all the info.
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