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Old 11-24-2018, 07:19 PM   #1
Steve Cole
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Faith,NC
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Excessive engine angle?

So, using the ECE clamshell style motor mounts and the ECE transmission crossmember, I have a 7 degree nose up engine mounting situation. Aesthetically, I don't like the look of the engine at that angle. I cannot raise the tranny because it will hit the trans tunnel. It seems like there is room to lower the front of the engine before the front crossmember comes into play. I am running the CTS-V oil pan. Can the collective post your engine degree numbers and what mounts you are using? I am especially interested in those that are using the CTS-V oil pan. I am thinking of switching motor mounts if I can find something that puts the engine around 3 degrees nose up. Thanks in advance.
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