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Old 11-24-2018, 08:55 PM   #9
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Re: Need k10 transmission mounts

Originally Posted by sweetk30 View Post
double check but you should not be metric bolt for the 2 that hold the adapter to the crossmember . should be 1/2" course thread x 3 1/2 long grade 5 or grd 8 i think was factory . just measured the set on my parts shelf with these same mounts together ready for the next build .

thats a what ever good old grandpa had he used part in that pic . at one time that was a lower retainer cup for a body mount setup .

also that metric 8.8 is basicly the american grd 5 rating or super close .

as to leaks there could be a few problems to look for .

#1 = cracked case on the trans . not good .
#2 = missing or bad square cut o-ring seal on adapter to seal it to the trans case NOT rtv .
#3 = cracked trans to t-case adapter body .
#4 = missing gasket for t-case adapter to t-case its self or just rtv and on some cases its 100% required to use a gasket or it can lead to problem #3 since the gasket makes the bearing end play correct . if no gasket it will break the adapter .

post up a pic of the trans pan and rear of the t-case so we can id them for possible problems or info needed later. looks like a np203 t-case in pics with low mount pto port cover and case iron case .

best to clean the whole area with brake cleaner and let it dry 100% . then fire up the vehicle and top fluids off and let run . look for a leak . if none drive it a little bit and recheck . not to long as to get everything covered in atf again and not find it .

let us know what you find and report back . glad we can help get you going .
Is the np203 not too beyond basic so I could rebuild it if it needs it?
And do you have parts and or parts connections there’s some stuff I need to fix
To make it more family friendly.
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