I can not speak for the aftermarket mounts, but either of the factory options I mentioned will work. If you have headers made for a big block in a truck, you shouldn't have to trim more than 1/2-3/4" off of the top flange of the frame. On my '66 Suburban, I just used a '73+ frame as a guide and trimmed accordingly. I also used headers for a '73+ with a big block.
Originally Posted by 66_C20
So it looks like we have three options listed here that would work, ordering a tubular set like what I linked earlier, the motor mount perches from a square body crossmember used for disc brake swaps(they look completely different but I’ll roll with it), or perches from a 68-72 big block truck. Would it be accurate to say that all three of these options should work?
The headers I have are shorties and I tried to get the smallest primaries I could to help with clearance because I knew it was going to be an issue. I don’t mind trimming the top flange of the frame but it’ll be a whole lot of trimming. So maybe using big block perches will at least help with header clearance I’m hoping so I can actually trim the top flange of the frame instead of having to hack it up.