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Old 06-01-2002, 06:19 PM   #6
in WAY over my head
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Unhappy RIP

well, I'm happy to announce that the show was quite entertaining and will have pictures up shortly.


I'm sorry to say, the driver of the budweiser jetcar passed away in a bad accident about 1/8 of the mile. I do not recall the exact name, however, I do recall the 1st name being Dan. May his family be in everyone's prayers.

One one find the accident ironic, every car in this lane had a problem with their rear driver side tire coming up, but no one found debris. The budwieser car was in this line. About midway the cars backend shifted toward the outside wall and sent it careening at high throttle into the wall of the opposite side of the track. The car then shot from this side (still being at high throttle) across the track again slamming into his own wall and bursting into deep flames.

The ambulance was on the scene as early as possible. As the fire EMS truck arrive, the hose was not hooked correctly, wrapped around the tire of the ambulance, and pulling the house from thre truck, spewing extingishing liquid everywhere.

I'm sorry to say I dont think there was anything they could do. Fortunatley no one in the stands nor any others were hurt in the accident.

As I have said, everyones prayers should go to this man and his family. May he rest in peice.

I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad news, to try and brighten this up (as I have had 150 miles to think about it already and care not to anymore as it is disturbing) I will have pics of everything except the accident up soon.
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