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Old 12-11-2018, 08:45 PM   #9
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Posts: 766
Re: 46 pickemup in NJ "the Rebuild"

So not much of an update on my brake issues, rather a question. I have found a few threads on the HAMB that alks about GM metric calipers 1977 and up being low drag. Meaning that certain year calipers (77 and up) were designed to have the pistons return farther back thus pulling the pads farther away from the calipers in an attempt to reduce drag on the rotors.
Apparently this was to save on fuel mileage during the 70's gas crisis. From what I have gathered a regular corvette MC will not work with these calipers as they do not push enough fluid, fast enough back to the piston to get the pads up against the rotor, thus causing a soft pedal. Can anbody verify this. I am using what I assume are low drag GM metric calipers that came with my Scott's front end.
If this in fact my problem can someone point me in the direction of a "stepped" MC that will work with these calipers? Or perhaps maybe I can find a set of high drag pre 77 metric calipers?

I have done some re-routing of my brake lines and residual valves. But then life got in the way, mainly blowing leaves, and being down for the count with the flu and some pretty bad back problems. But all that seems to be behind me now so I would like to get my truck back on the road.
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