Re: Installing Trim / Emblems
Completely understand the hesitancy to drill - but also keep in mind that sticking things on like fender nameplates, etc makes removal relatively impossible without screwing up the paint. Not completely impossible, but not fun. Personally, I'd drill to match however the factory did it - just measure twice, cut once, as they say. You can tape (and cardboard) off the surrounding area very well - the biggest risk is initial drilling walk of the bit - so the center punch (without denting the panel) is critical. Measurements are available on here as well as in the Assembly Manual I believe. The trim clip locations are depicted very well in the LMC catalog. Good luck with whichever way you choose, will look much better with the emblems and trim back on there! If you do choose to use tape, highly recommend using 3M products only. I used the stick-ums provided on th eback of LMC trim once... ONCE. Never again. Re-did it with 3M double-sided trim tape, at ledzepp's suggestion, never had another problem (this was for a 71 upper bed trim, which actually used sticky tape in some locations from the factory).