Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena
Thanks Glen. Good idea on leaving the hood open. Anyone know what that does to the pneumatic shocks on my billet hinges? Anything of concern?
No chew marks or evidence of any damage but I don’t want to wait for it to happen. I’ve heard that mint oil and mothballs work for mice.....but not indefinitely. No idea if they do anything at all to rats?
I’ve used snap traps with SOME success. Some because I once had one get partially snapped and it screamed running off with the trap on it. Weirded me out. I want them gone but I don’t want to torture or maim one! I still feel bad about that.
Poison has worked til i started finding dead ones in my dog’s water bowl. I guess they get a morbid thirst trying to neutralize it so that’s out.
I have 3 dogs, 2 medium (50lb) and 1 small (10lb), we got this tough orange cat from the shelter a few years ago. It has brought be home 100's of mice, probably 30 gophers, unknown amount of birds and lizards. It lives in my garage and outdoors only. My neighbors said they've seen it hunting their yard too. Anyhow, no rodent issues here. Just saying, the cat idea works.