I like the rubber mat. Replacements are garbage from what I've heard here. My 67 has it's original mat, but my 70 K5 has carpet that will be pulled for rubber original mats I aquired through the parts board. I have my quirky ways and always step on to the throw mat when entering and tell my passengers the same, "hey!, Don't step on the rocker panel!, Keep your feet on the floor mat!", Yep..pure pita I am, but I feel that's part of respecting another's vehicle. I don't work them anymore, maybe an occasional lumber pick up, or large part. I don't drive them in the rain. I keep a small wisk broom under the seat to hit any sand/pebbles that may enter with my boots,
(but after I sit I clap them together as well)

See? Told you I'm piticular right?

I'm not concerned with sound deadner either, the old truck sound, smell, feel is why I love them so much, my newer vehicles have all that cooshy stuff, and I'll drive them when needed. Shoot,..I rarely turn on the radio when driving my old guys.