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Old 12-26-2018, 08:15 PM   #7
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Re: Control arm assembly - threading the caps “cups” properly.

Jon- thanks again. I used your procedure and it worked great. I have the front crossmember off the truck and turned upside down like in my pics. I was able to tightened the cups almost all the way in. Screwed in fairly easy with a 24” pipe wrench. Need a second person to hold the cross member while it give it the last quarter turn to seat in all the way to the control arm but this leads me a second question;

Some people say just seat it all the way until it stops against the control arm. The other stuff says 120 ftlbs. I’m wondering if 120 would be before it seats and any suggestions how I’d get a torque wrench on it without a 44mm socket. Otherwise I’m going to need to go buy that big socket.
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