01 Blazer p0300 code
It seems like this issue came on kinda slowly. It started out as the engine was taking longer to start. Once started it ran fine. That lasted for a few weeks then it got worse. There were no CEL's at the time.
Once my daughter said she broke down when trying to leave a store, we went an rescued her. I was able to start it up and get the car home. I put a code scanner on it and first got a p306 code and started down that road. I replaced the cap and rotor to start and nothing changed. I was no longer getting the p0306 but it switched to p0300. I looked at the #6 wire and plug and the spark plug was firing.
After some research, many people pointed to a worn dist gear. This car has 114k on it, but who knows. I pulled the distributor and it looks like new. Someone had replaced not that long ago. The gear looked great and there was no play from top to bottom.
Some have suggested the crank position sensor and that's likely what I will throw at it next.
I would like some feedback from you guys if you have had this issue.
Thanks in advance for your help!
1997 Tahoe LT 4D 2WD (DD)
2001 Blazer 4D 2WD
1961 Apache 10 (sold)
1965 C10 Stepper (sold)