run it almost empty .
start spraying hardware with oil / lube / p.b. blaster / liquid wrench .
floor jack with good size pad on it like plywood .
few new hose clamps for stockers that will prob fall apart if you live anywere near the rust belt .
16mm and 18mm line wrench for hose fittings . there NOT included in most line wrench sets .
ACDELCO pump and sock is what you want to put inside when you do it . sock
and if your looking to bump performance now or later go with a bigger pump like this 1995 454 c30 pump holds higher pressure .
the stock tbi pump was lucky to hit let alone hold the 13-15 psi they should run . lots of guys bump up to the later 454 pump and have good results . its also plug and play no mods required to install it .
some guys with older beaters or off road trucks cut a hole in the bed to make a acssess port for the sender .