Some more updates for anybody following along.
I finished up the wiring in the engine bay for the most part. I havent loomed it yet as I want to make sure the wiring is ok with the sniper before I close it all in. But Im happy with how it turned out. The cheapo fuse box I got from Amazon worked out well. And it'll all be hidden under the batter tray.
This past weekend I got quite a bit of time in the garage to work on the fuel system. I had originally planned to build some type of venturi sump system in the tank but just decided to go with a Holley Hydramat instead. It seems over priced for what it is but everyone says it works really well so I went with it.
I started at the front. I used a compression fitting to tap into the hard line running up to the sniper. I used the old inline filter and added a tap for a cheap gauge I got from Summit. I was initially gonna run the fuel line down the back of the engine but since my hardline was right near the mech pump I just decided to leave it and plumb it from there. Especially since the Snyper has a front inlet that made everything neat and tidy for the most part.
I pulled off the mech pump and plumbing as well. Picked up a decent block off for it from Summit as well.
Then on to the pump setup. I picked up an 87 assy from amazon since it has wiring that I can use for the new setup. I removed the original pump and installed the walbro pump. I had to trim the bottom of the sender to clear the pump and the hydramat. I used a hose clamp just to make sure nothing moves around. I did have to change the connector to match the new pump.

I decided to test the sender before installing it in the truck and Im glad I did because for whatever reason the new sender didn't work. I read these are all the same as far as Ohm resistance but the new one measured over 1k ohms regardless of where the lever was. So I just decided to reuse the old sender. So I cut it off the old assy and tacked it in place on the new unit. Works great.
The new sender still uses barb/tapered fittings for the hoses so I had to come up with a way to get them to AN fittings. I cut the small brackets off the sender and slid these tube adapters up onto the sender. Both lines are -8an.
I then used some right angle to pushlock fittings to get me plumbed into the truck.
I mounted a vette style filter with built in regulator on the crossmember nearest the tank. I used another tube adapter to quick connect adapter for the filter out. I then used a couple summit quick connects to AN to connect the supply and return. I still need to finish up the filter bracket but its sturdy as is.
So the factory harness on the pump and sender is a 2pin connector and 1 wire ring terminal for ground. Since I had to run a power wire for the pump from the fuse box anyway I decided to run a ground as well. So I ran the grey (12v+) and the ground into a new connector and used one side of another connector to connect the sender wire. (brown and purple)
And everything works. I had one leaky fitting that Summit sent me a replacement and it fixed it. Other than that the fuel system should be done. It reads right at 58-60psi at the gauge as it should.
I have a couple more things to swap before the hyperspark goes back on and the truck running again. Ill post more soon.
Oh and I can't forget to post this little sign/wall art my mom made for me for xmas. How cool is that?