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Old 05-21-2004, 11:43 PM   #8
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Ferndale, Michigan, USA
Posts: 94
Here is the correct way the set your valves. By hand set the engine to fire #1 cyl ( TDC ). Loosen the rocker nut till the push rod can be spun then tighten the rocker nut just to the point that the push rod has drag as is it spun. Do this for #1 I-E #3-E #5-I #7-I #2-I #4-E #8-E Then set the engine to fire #6 cyl ( TDC ) and set #3-I #5-E #7-E #2-E #4-I #6 I-E #8-I
Then all rocker nuts get 1 turn down. Good Luck
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