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Old 05-22-2004, 04:39 AM   #4
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Clanton, AL
Posts: 1,253
IMO, don't bother with the "flush" kits. Here is my personal favorite that has worked for me several times w/ cars severly overheating.

Drain your radiator. Run waterfrom your faucet & rinse out your radiator.
Fill your radiator, run your engine for a few minutes to circulate water.
Repeat above steps.
Put in a bottle of heavy duty radiator cleaner (Not flush).
Drive 150 miles or so.
Repeat the whole process. This will typically help out even the scaliest raidators/cooling systems.

Should you run a little hot, slow down to 55, roll down teh windows, & turn on your heater to full blast, full fan.
85' CUCV M1009!!! The newest addition!
6.2diesel, Th400, NP208, & only 36k miles!
70' C-10 LWB Fleetside - Looking good these days!
05' Dodge Neon
88' Winner Escape Sport 1750 - 4.3v6
94' Seadoo SP
84' Honda TRX200, bare nekkid. Just a frame & tires.

Always looking for another project or any good deal!

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