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Old 05-22-2004, 07:33 PM   #1
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having wiring

i am having wiring problems on my 69 in the taillight area.I have put another bed on it and it is either a 67 or 68,i dont remember.I dont know if that would have anything to do with it,when we swapped out the beds i unplugged the wiring plug under the bed and left the 67-68 wiring going to the tail is the problem.I can get the parking lights to work and the turn signals....but no brake lights.Our stupid weenie dog had chewed on some of the wiring underneith and i fixed that,but cannot get brake lights no matter what i do.I do know the bulb is a little loose in one of the sockets.And if you turn on the parking lights and then the key and the turn signal,you can go back and jiggle the bulb and it will work then not.Now,is that problem in the actual housing or in that little plug that goes into the back of the light housing?So i guess i have more than one problem.CAnt get brake lights and the bulb is somewhat loose in the socket.Anybody have any ideas?
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