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Old 05-23-2004, 05:02 PM   #1
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Pic of the C-30 I Left In Memphis

I just got the camara software loaded in to my new computer, so I could get this one and only pic of the 9 Foot Step C-30 out of the camara. The body man still needs to mount and paint the bed, finish welding in the rockers and cab corners, and paint the interior and exterior. He works for a rental car company that buys totaled cars at auction, then repairs them to rent them to people that don't have a credit card. It seams like my job is on the back burner and low priority. I sure hope it's done in time for the board meet in July, Hahaha
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Last edited by dtlilly; 05-23-2004 at 05:16 PM. Reason: Figuring out what is the largest size pic the board will accept
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