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Old 01-06-2019, 11:06 AM   #2
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Re: Tilt steering questions

Ok first off great score and I love four eyes[GMC] and one tons. I'm working on freshening one right now. On the wires there is a little metal channel that clips on to the bottom of the column that hides those wires. There is a tool to pull off the top shroud of the column but it is gonna be hard to find. If you take a little flat screwdriver[ like the kind people used to give away for promos] and run it around the joint where the top shroud and the main body are run that around there about ten times then just grab a hold of it and tug upwards. You could put something on the shaft and pry upwards on the shroud but save that as a last resort. That shroud while being metal is super thin and very flimsy it will bend pretty easily.if you keep "scoring" that screwdriver round and round and keep pulling it will start sliding and pop loose pretty quickly. One other thing that could help is to spray your favorite penetrating oil[such as WD-40, PB blaster] or whatever you use and spray around the inside edge of the shroud so it can run down and even the outside seem where you "score" it. I think you will find this will work for you instead of needing the Kent Moore tool listed in the book on these trucks. Jim
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