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Old 01-07-2019, 12:51 AM   #3
lks dcvn
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Re: Fuel tank install 1972 suburban

It's the tank - the aftermarket tanks have a straight fill neck and the OEM stuff had one that comes up and then bends around the frame (at least they do on Blazers).

There are a few fixes for this:

1 - find a decent OEM filler neck and connect it to your new tank
2 - adapt a fitting to the tank to get around the frame challenge - some have found aftermarket filler necks and others have used copper ells - see pix.

1st pic is the what the stock filler neck looks like - not like your tank right?

Here is a thread that shows the two tanks and where they are different -

Here is a thread where a user found a creative way to have it work with an adapter on the tank -
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