Thread: E38 reflash
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Old 01-09-2019, 09:30 AM   #13
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Re: E38 reflash

When I had to replace my trans in my 06 I was told I had to reset the trans learn or there could be problem or damage to the new trans . Apparently when you have a trans doing odd things the tcm tries to learn those things to compensate . When you put a rebuilt or new trans in it will still use the things it has learned to the new trans and can cause problems or damage .

I have a buddy that has a tech 2 but I could not get it the re set the trans learn . I had a diablo tuner on it and I think it was the problem . I trailered it to the dealer where I know the master tech and he could not reset it either . So he had to reload the stock tune and that fixed the problem and reset the trans learn .

After the reset I could tell the trans was learning the new trans . Shifts were a little funny but after a month or so of reg driving it all cleared up .

A long way to tell you to get the trans learn reset and see what it does . This is something that most dont know about but if the old trans has learned some bad habits it will apply them to the new trans .
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