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Old 01-13-2019, 04:58 PM   #8
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Re: Spindle and lower ball joint

Originally Posted by sweetk30 View Post
first off what brand spindles do you have ?

what year suspension parts ?

if you have a set of calipers measure the top and bottom of the spindle ball joint stud hole .

then measure the start of the tapper at the last thread and the big end bottom of the ball joint .

get this info and we can help .

and if you need heat to install a ball joint then you got problems . . . .

ball joint and tie/rod ends are tapered seat and drop in and snug tight with nut .

i had a part years ago that was not reamed out the correct depth and i had no correct tapered reamer then to open it up my self to fit . had to fight with the company to believe it was wrong and they sent another and it was correct and bolted in perfect . sent the other back and they said wow must have been goofed up that day .
Belltech spindle with stock balljoints
I will do the caliper thing and see what I come up with
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