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Old 01-18-2019, 07:04 PM   #2
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Re: What rear shocks for 4-5" rear drop?

Take a look at my build and you will see what has become the norm for rear relocated shocks on a 5" drop. "Not my design" but it is perfect for using factory length shocks. IMHO...…

Originally Posted by bigmoe View Post
I've done 3" drop spindles and Jeep Wrangler rear springs which are a 4 or 5" drop from what I understand. I put in a frame notch. I've installed some rear shock relocators.
I did some measuring for shocks. If I lift up on the frame until the wheels just about come off the floor the extended shock length would be 18 1/4". If the axle came right up to the snubbers (which it probably won't), the compressed length would be 10 1/4". I grabbed an old rear shock and measured 19 1/2" - 12". I'm wondering if stock shocks would work? This truck will never haul a load. What's ideal for a shock, longer than actual travel length (18 1/4") and shorter than the actual compressed distance ( 10 1/4")?
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