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Old 01-19-2019, 04:12 PM   #1
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Posts: 6
216 to 235 swap - carb. fitment problems?

Hi All,

I just put in my newly rebuild 235 in my 1953 truck, and wanted to put on the carb (stock Rochester B) from the old 216 that I took out of the truck. Then I found out (google was my friend) that the trottle hounsing on the 216 is narrower between the bolt holes than the trottle housing the 235 stock intake I have.

So, my question is:
Besides from the trottle housing, is the rest of the Rochester B the same on the 216 and 235?

In ohter words, do I need to find a complete ohter carb, or can I just change the trottle housing to the size that fits the 216 intake?


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