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Old 05-24-2004, 04:55 PM   #8
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OK, sending you a PM about the guy I spoke to a couple of times...not a very reliable dude though. The frame he has there at his shop looks really good though, especially considering that it has been sitting out there for a few years now. I spotted it, and another SWB on the side of this shop from the commuter train I take into work every day. It has been there a long time. When I was able to get up close and look at it, you could see that someone once had serious intentions for the build of the truck, trailing arms had been done too. But that is why I was going to not bother you with it, as it is a trailing arm frame...not leaf. He's got what appears to be a fair cab resting on it too...if that interests you!

Last edited by sactoC10; 05-24-2004 at 05:16 PM.
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