Thread: Johns 66
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Old 01-23-2019, 09:25 AM   #290
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Re: Johns 66

I'm with you on the customer service thing...I try to go to the swap meets like the one @ the Lowe's motor speedway or Shades of the Past in Pigeon Forge, those guys seem to know there business. I have to keep in mind the people at the other end of the phone are hourly employees and will never have the passion for our trucks like we do, they just want a pay check. As far as the bolts you may want to find a good company locally the specializing nuts and bolts, I found one in my home town and they usually have what I need. I also ordered a complete nut and bolt kit for when I start my paint work and setting my chopped top cab on the frame. Your truck is making some good progress keep up the good work my Brotha.
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