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Old 01-28-2019, 10:15 PM   #26
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Re: 57 GMC 100 vs 57 Chevy Question?

post some pics of what you have, if ANYTHING is assembled, and I can possibly help you out. I have a Canadian 57 gmc with the chevy rad support so I can snap a few pics of how it goes together. mine is also fully dissassembled so this will not be a "first thing in the morning" deal for me. I have to first find the stuff then put it together in sub assemblies so you can see how it fits. I do not have the rad support because I have fabbed a new one to fit my needs with a frame swap. do you have the front bumper and the sheet metal panel that attaches to that and covers the lower, side to side fender connector that attaches to the bottom of each inner front fender extension? the hood latch is also factored in out in front of the rad as well.
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