Re: Can you help with engine build?
I appreciate everyone's input. My biggest question now is what to do with my carb? I know I can't use the divorced choke, but don't want to add another$400 to the build for a new carb if I can help it. The quadrajet I have now runs good. Had it rebuilt a couple years ago and still running strong.
As for the head condition, I work for a parts store that has a machine shop. We already checked the heads for any warp or cracks. All they need is the valves cleaned and resurface for a clean mating surface. I would do more work to them if I had time but I don't, so it's a do what is needed, not what is wanted time. Overall I feel if I have the right parts to make this work, the numbers and power upgrade should be a good wake-up for the engine.
Also something to note, the truck has 72,000 original miles. I am going to check it all that I can while apart, but the engine does not smoke, has good compression all around. I'm betting the build on the bottom end being good and ready to go
1972 GMC C20 Custom Camper 350/TH350