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Old 02-01-2019, 11:51 AM   #2
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Re: 72 K20 radio selection

Well, first of all, I certainly do not qualify as a "younger" guy...

I used a Retrosound radio, because I wanted it to look close to stock but be able to play music from my I Phone. True, a converted "stock" radio would do this as well; but the Retrosound actually cost less money.

I made a sub box for a 12 inch shallow mount Pioneer sub. I used the gas tank as a pattern, and used the top and bottom bolt holes to mount the sub. There is actually room for 2 subs, using the recommended cubic foot (converted to cubic inches) size for each sub, but the wife kind of put her foot down on the amount of bass. I used 2 12 inch subs in my son's regular cab GMC (2003) and she thought there was way too much bass, so I only put one in the '68. I cut MDF into curves to duplicate the rest of the curve inside of the cab, covered that with thin metal to complete the curve. I finished sealing off the corners with more MDF, and mounted 5 1/2 inch coaxial speakers in there to add a little "fill" sound behind the seats. I used 6 1/2 coaxial speakers up front (I prefer the crisper sound of 2-way speakers, just personal preference) for the main speakers. I used Polyfill in the sub box after sealing all the seams, and then used a single 5 channel NVX amplifier.

Sounds plenty good for an old man (mostly classic rock, Styx, Kansas, Boston, but some newer stuff and some heavy metal too...).

Will try to post some pictures, my jpeg files are pretty big, may have to reply a couple of times.

Best of luck. Just take you time, have a plan, and follow it. In the audio section here, you will find lots of posts that I am sure have better sound than mine does.
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