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Old 02-01-2019, 03:32 PM   #17
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Larkspur, Colorado
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Re: Can you help with engine build?

The power and performance upgrade with the Vortech engine is in the cylinder heads. And by this I mean only the 96 and up Vortech 350. GM used the Vortech name for V-8 engines before 96 so it's important to know if you are using the earlier Vortech heads (1995 or earlier) these are not a true Vortech head. The earlier head is junk and a complete waste of time to change out on a 70s small block. The number of intake bolts should be four per side for a true Vortech. If you have a six bolt intake flange it's the older style head.

Your compression increase should be pretty easy to figure out. You're going from a 76cc head chamber to a 64cc chamber. Look up your stock compression ratio (9.0 ??) and just Google a site to calculate the compression difference with the smaller chamber. It's not a huge difference, I think you're going to about 9.75 with the smaller chamber head. I've noticed I haven't had to change the grade of gasoline used because the newer chamber is so much more efficient. YMMV. Once you've completed the swap keep your ears sharp for any engine detonation. Jump up a grade of gasoline if you're having an issue with that. May you may also need to dial back your total advance in the distributor as the more efficient combustion chamber requires less Advance timing.

Steve weim55 Colorado
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