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Old 02-02-2019, 10:04 PM   #12
The Older Generation

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Re: Nephew's new truck

Originally Posted by Richard Jensen View Post
So we started working on my nephew's truck today. Every time I glanced at this truck I thought "U-haul" because of the color. The "red" is more of an orange red like a U-haul. As I was standing there looking at the door handle I noticed a old label right above the fuel cap that said "GASOLINE". with the color and color scheme, I think it's an old U-haul truck! I don't see anything else on the truck that would indicate it was an old U-haul truck, but I'm pretty sure this is what it is.

A lot of the latex paint is coming off and I think if we used a hotsy, we'd get more off. Tomorrow we're going to start working on getting the engine running.


Could be. I'm sure that they probably used some of our trucks in the past. Keep us updated on the progress.


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