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Old 02-04-2019, 02:05 PM   #12
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Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Carnation, WA.
Posts: 258
Re: '72 Rear leaf springs question

Great work. Nice truck and I can only hope mine turns out half as good as yours. Unfortunately I do not have a garage anymore mine sits on gravel, covered with a tarp until I can rig up some overhead cover. That bag system looks interesting. Mine came with a 3/16" steel plate bed that I have since removed along with the mounted 5th wheel rails and lumber rack that came with the truck. Will be taking off fenders then the rest of the bed to POR15 the frame etc. I will take your advice and redo the springs as the truck is real clean under the bed and springs are just a little rusty. Many thanks for taking the time to share. Keep me posted on progress and I will in turn send you some pics of my progress. You whippersnappers make me feel old. LOL
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