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Old 02-04-2019, 08:16 PM   #23
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Re: OBD gremlins ... need assistance please

Originally Posted by HSRACER View Post
So the battery ground strap has two wires on it. The main heavy wire is attached to the engine block and at that connection the smaller wire is part of that ring loop connector and goes up to the front fender from the engine ground.

Is that not the same as going to the cab?
No its not the same. If that is all the grounding that the cab has that is classified as a bad ground. It might work but its not right.

Stock, the cab had 2 grounds to the back of the engine from the firewall, and 1 to frame.

You mentioned that you ran a ground from the booster bracket to the valve cover? Run it to the block or head. No paint under the connections, use a star washer for good contact.

This might not solve your problem but should be addressed anyhow.
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