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Old 02-06-2019, 10:43 AM   #16
Jim Boy
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Wasaga Beach Ontario Canada
Posts: 209
Re: Undercoating or no undercoating?

Joel. The product is called Dura Shield. It is a wax base product. For the first two- three years it's done every year and then every other year after it builds up.The oil based products drive me crazy when you touch them and wind up covered in dirty oil. So far I'm happy with this stuff and I guess time will tell if I found another thing to love! Where I got mine done the guy wants the truck the day before spraying if possible. He pressure washes it and it drys overnight in his shop. He sprays in the morning and then lets it sit for a while to work in and set up. Have a good one eh!
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