Re: Paint - Single Stage or Double Stage - clear coat ??
I painted a '64 ten or twelve years ago with acrylic enamel and it turned out pretty good for a first paint job. I hope to be painting my '68 in a few months so I've been doing some reading on the topic. Like the OP, I don't need a show quality paint job, just a good driver. I plan to use single stage urethane in a solid (non metallic) color. My thoughts are to avoid the bc/cc because I don't want to do the color sanding and buffing and I'm scared by the vehicles I've seen with peeling cc. I also want to avoid the metallics because I'll be painting in pieces over a period of time and I've read that metallics need to be painted all at once or the pieces won't match. Just seems like single stage non metallic is the best choice for an amateur.