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Old 02-11-2019, 09:20 PM   #18
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Re: Electrical Gurus - 87' no keyed power

Originally Posted by rgunlock View Post
Good luck! Hope the battery is all it was. I had a number of electrical gremlins getting to the point where I could drive my truck and like you, wasn't too confident in my multimeter skills. Help from Hatzie and others with suggestions of how to test often got me looking in the right direction even if the suggested test showed no issue. Its good practice and should help you have more confidence if you check all those points.
Thanks Rick! I’ve learned a lot just in the last week. I read Hatzie’s post several times and watched some YouTube videos. I just ordered some leads with alligator clips for the multimeter also. I figure I can leave one end clipped at the battery while I crawl under and check the wires at the starter etc. without having to have someone hold the other end.

They had a record at the parts store of when I bought the last battery. It was purchased in 2014, so it’s been in there the whole time I’ve had these issues. I never heard of a short within the battery before this. I sure hope that’s all it was.

Last edited by Greenlee; 02-11-2019 at 09:26 PM.
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