Thread: 55.2-59 column choices?
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Old 02-17-2019, 01:01 PM   #3
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Re: column choices?

Originally Posted by Missyblue View Post
Hey so looking for advice hoping to keep my original steering wheel, switching to automatic, and wouldnt mind key staying in dash but doesnt have to, also not sure if I care about tilt hard to tell till I try I guess so what's my options for column.

new....seems like people recommend ididit and can be very anti otherothwrs for safety any experience?

used......I have heard 73-87 gm column and 70-95 gm van
which of these would be better/easier or any other advice you have as I search for 1

also if I find one any other parts to pull off the vehicle with it that would be helpful

thank you
I have a 53 3100. I kept my stock column and took the turn signal switch and wheel off a 57, they fit together. It bolted right on. They charged me $20 at the junk yard for them. I had to shorten my column 4" because of the dished wheel on the 57. That cost $30. I'm going to put a smaller diameter ring on my stock 57 steering wheel because I have electric power steering and want to keep the old school look but don't need the giant wheel. looks totally stock with self canceling turn signals. You will need to get a new electrical switch for the inside. They are about $30. These came on everything from Corvettes to Bel Air to trucks and are easy to find. All the springs and stuff are available cheep. Do not pay the $200 of so for the repops.

Last edited by mick53; 02-17-2019 at 01:45 PM. Reason: info
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